:: EVENT ::

The measuring tools of the future


Innovative ways to measure response to content and journalism.


Find out what interests the consumer when, at the morning meeting in Copenhagen, we will explore how to measure the consumer's response to media and journalism together with the software company iMotions and Adjunct, Ph.D. Lene Heiselberg from the Center for Journalism at Syddansk Universitet. så skal du med til MCO morgenmøde den 23. februar 2023, KL.09.00-11.00

Read more about the presenters below:

iMotions analyzing emotional, cognitive and behavioral data, delivering holistic human insights. The iMotions software helps unpack human behavior by combining multiple biosensor data to uncover underlying emotions and responses. The platform enables research in market studies, academics, healthcare, UX, automotive, advertisement, education, and more. iMotions is used worldwide by leading universities such as Harvard, Yale, MIT, and Stanford as well as corporations such as gsk, P&G, Unilever, BMW, and Duracell. At the event, they will review and demonstrate how the software can be used for human behavior research by showing how they integrate and synchronize data from different biosensors – and how this can help lead to increased and deeper insight into user behavior. There will be an opportunity to see and try the various biometric tools such as: eye tracking, EDA/GSR, Facial Expression Analysis & EEG.

Lene Heiselberg is associated with the Media Research and Innovation Center (MFI) and Center for Journalism and researches users' conscious and subconscious, cognitive and emotional experiences of journalism. In her research, Lene therefore uses laboratory experiments (eye tracking and sweat measurements) as well as qualitative and quantitative interview methods. Lene will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of using psychophysiological methods to investigate the audience's response to media content and journalistic products. She will show examples from research projects where she has used sweat measurements (EDA) in studies of drama series, film trailers and web journalism. Furthermore, she will talk about an upcoming project where she uses EDA and eye tracking at the Center for Journalism to research news for streaming platforms.

Meeting point mødelokalet Luftskibet (0.16) stueetagen, SIF, Studiestræde 6, 1455 København.

