About Media City Odense

We believe that collaboration fosters innovation, and that innovation creates positive development. Therefore, our vision is anchored in three central words:

Collaboration o Innovation o Development

At Media City Odense we embrace media- and mediatech. We collaborate with relevant companies,educational institutions and the public. Together we can much more than we can apart. And we believe that innovation and development happens between journalism, content, communication, marketing and technology,  

Through collaboration and network Media City Odense will contribute to new knowledge, skills development, and innovative and competitive solutions, products and services in the media and medietechmediatech field targeted at the Danish as well as the international market. The goal is to build a community based on trust and interaction that strengthens local, regional and national Danish journalism, content production in a broad sense and distribution. 

At Media City Odense we believe that we learn from each other and develop talents and products by opening up to partners as well as competitors. Increased value creation and strengthened competitiveness are important overall goals. This is strengthened through active participation in the cluster's activities. The collaboration provides clear and visible synergy effects for the actors, which help to form a valuable network.  

Media City Odense tries to fulfill our pillars by, among other things, holding events, workshops, talent courses, member meetings, networking events, etc. 


We carry the quality stamp “Made in Odense” from Odense Municipality. We do this because Odense is our home, and we want to help promote the city as an attractive and innovative place – both for businesses and future talents in the industry.

Strategic core values:

  1. Collaboration
  2. Innovation
  3. Development

4 strategic pillars that we consist of in MCO:

  1. MCO Academy
  2. Members
  3. Strategic projects
  4. MediaTech festival 


Through collaboration, to increase societal value and Danes' time spent on Danish platforms


Through collaboration, to strengthen the ability to attract and further develop employees as well as startups within media tech and content production


Ambitionen er at styrke det lokale medietech økosystem for at blive en landsdækkende medieklynge.  


At Media City Odense, we are committed to supporting both economic growth and social progress through our work with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
We have selected 4 of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, which form the basis of our efforts, including: Quality education, decent jobs and economical growth, industry, innovation and infrastructure and Sustainable cities and communities. These goals form the foundation for our strategic work, where we work to promote collaboration, innovation and development through partnerships and projects.

Goal 4: Quality Education 

Media City Odense works actively to ensure access to quality education within the media and tech industry. Through partnerships with educational institutions and the business community, we create opportunities for young people to gain relevant knowledge and experience. By promoting interdisciplinary cooperation and workshops, we strengthen the skills of young people and prepare them for the labor market of the future. This goal is central to our mission to develop a qualified and diverse labor market 

Goal 8: Decent jobs and economical growth 

We are committed to fostering economic growth through the creation of decent jobs in the media and tech sectors. By strengthening collaboration between businesses, educational institutions and research environments, we create an ecosystem where innovation can flourish. This includes attracting new investment and supporting entrepreneurship, ultimately resulting in more job opportunities and a stronger economy for the region. 

Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 

Media City Odense focuses on developing a modern media infrastructure that supports innovation and technological development. By building a physical media city with sustainable solutions that promote creativity and collaboration between different actors, we contribute to strengthening Denmark's media industry. This goal also includes our efforts to ensure that technological advances are accessible to all and support an innovative business community. 

Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities 

We are working to create a sustainable media city in Odense, where environmental, social and economic considerations are integrated into the planning. The media city is in the initial planning phase, but it has already been visualized by architects with sustainable solutions to ensure that it will be a new green district anchored in Odense's identity. The media city will be built next to TV 2 Danmark and will be a beacon project for Odense and ensure the cluster a national leading position in the media industry and the surrounding ecosystem.