ARRANGEMENTER og medlemsmøder
Her finder du en oversigt over vores arrangementer og medlemsmøder hos Media City Odense og vores samarbejdspartnere.
Do you want to become a part of MCO?
Festival x 2: Pre-event for MediaTech Festival i samarbejde med word festival
1. februar 2025
To friske, fynske festivaler slår sig sammen for at tilbyde dig en fed event! Media City Odense afholder en pre-event til MediaTech Festival i samarbejde med Word Festival 2025
Kom og hør Suzanne Moll, korrespondent i Danmark for Reporters Without Borders (RSF), dykke ned i, hvordan vi kan genopbygge tilliden til medierne i en tid, hvor pressefriheden er under pres verden over.
MEDLEMSMØDE MED KL – Kommunalvalget 2025!
ODENSE D. 30. januar 2025
Gør kommunalpolitik sexet og skab engagerende lokaljournalistik!
Hvordan kan medier styrke den demokratiske samtale og skabe en valgdækning, der engagerer bredt? D. 30. januar kl. 9.30-11.00 inviterer vi til et inspirerende medlemsmøde i Medielab, hvor vi får skarpe indsigter fra to erfarne oplægsholdere:
Ida Thuesen Nielsen, vicedirektør og kommunikationschef i KL, deler KL’s erfaringer med kommunal kommunikation og reflekterer over mediernes rolle i at sætte borgernes dagsorden.
Nanna Lise Vester, kommunikationschef i Odense Kommune, giver konkrete eksempler på, hvordan kommuner og medier kan samarbejde om at engagere flere vælgere og nå ud til de svære målgrupper.
Rykket til 2025: Medlemsmøde med sasha – safe share og freshtracks: Come and meet two of our members who are fantastic at AI
“The best of both worlds” could be an appropriate title for our member meeting on December 4th from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM. Here, our members will have the pleasure of visiting SASHA – Safe Share’s office, located in the heart of Odense, when SASHA and Copenhagen-based FreshTracks invite you to a joint morning meeting.
Together with Teknologiens Mediehus, will we nerd in product development and processes.
innovation summit 2021
Join when MCO in collaboration with TV 2 Fyn and Mediability focuses on innovation and presentation of new products.
At this year's last MediaBrunch, we put the spotlight on Metaverset. You will become much wiser about what Metaverset is, its impact on your everyday life and the future of another world.
KV21 election party
On 16 November 2021, there will again be municipal and regional elections - this also applies to the 10 Funen municipalities
Show us your Tech Stack
We close the door to other media's engine rooms to hear which systems they have chosen and why, and
Storytelling m. Boyd Huppert & CHad NELSON
Get inspired when Boyd Huppert and his photographer, Chad Nelson, take us into a world of visual aids and storytelling techniques.
For everyone who works with HR, management and planning. Come and hear the leading experts in futures research, labor market development, recruitment and management.
MCO SHOW & TELL: digital technologies and AI (artificial intelligence)
Join us when Show & Tell offers digital technologies and AI (artificial intelligence).
KV21 webinar
Get information about the significance of national politics, the mayoral effect, the electoral alliances, the themes of the election and the chances of the smaller parties will be discussed.