Events and member meetings
Here you will find an overview of our events and member meetings at Media City Odense and our partners.
Do you want to become a part of MCO?
Moved to 2025: Member meeting with Sasha - Safe Share and Freshtracks: Come and meet two of our members who are fantastic at AI
“The best of both worlds” could be an appropriate title for our member meeting on December 4th from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM. Here, our members will have the pleasure of visiting SASHA – Safe Share’s office, located in the heart of Odense, when SASHA and Copenhagen-based FreshTracks invite you to a joint morning meeting.
Odense den 01.11.22 og Sønderborg den 08.11.2022
Skal du med til SDU Praktik- og Projektdag? Det er virksomhedernes chance for at komme i direkte dialog med ingeniørstuderende på SDU i Odense og i Sønderborg.
The future of the media advertising market
Kom til morgenmødet ‘Fremtiden for mediernes annoncemarked’, hvor vi graver ned i emnet og ser på hvordan fremtiden ser ud for annoncer i en digital virkelighed.
Mød de kommende IT Ingeniører fra SDU. Få et indblik i de spændende projekter og bliv inspireret til mulige kommende projekter med studerende.
AI in daily life of the media
Morning meeting in collaboration with Willmore. We dive into concrete processes and opportunities with AI in the daily life of the media.
from organization to media
Morgenmøde i samarbejde med Willmore. Vi fokusere på hvorfor en organisation skal udgive som medie.
Come and see the documentary CHOCOLATE WAR and meet director Miki Mistrati and the main characters Terry Collingsworth and Ange Aboa.
The future can be predicted
The future belongs to the one who knows it - and being able to see in the crystal ball is now a real possibility. Join us as we focus on methods behind being able to see into the future.
SDU Internship and Project Day
27.04.22 + 28.04.22
Enter into a direct dialogue with engineering students at SDU in Odense and in Sønderborg. Meet the students at this physical event on campus.
Constructive journalistic
Constructive journalism: stories that inspire, show solutions and nuances. We will dive into this for this year's first MediaBrunch.